The ISS vs the Chinese Space Station

September 28, 2021

The Space Race Continues: ISS vs Chinese Space Station

Space technology is rapidly evolving, and the competition to launch and maintain the most advanced space stations is at an all-time high. The International Space Station (ISS), a joint project between the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan, and Canada, has been operational since 1998. However, the Chinese Space Station (CSS) is gaining prominence and likely to be launched soon.

This post offers a factual comparison between the current ISS and the upcoming CSS.


The ISS, launched in November 1998, has been operational for more than two decades. It orbits at an altitude of about 408 km, completing one orbit every 92.91 minutes. The ISS has a total mass of over 400 tonnes and provides astronauts with living space and scientific laboratory facilities.

On the other hand, the CSS, China's first self-developed space station, is expected to be completed by the end of 2022. The CSS will orbit at an altitude of 396 km, with an inclination of 41 degrees. The total mass of the CSS will be about one-fifth of the ISS, at 66 tonnes. The CSS will be much smaller than the ISS but more advanced in terms of technology.


The ISS is composed of several modules provided by different countries, including the United States, Russia, Europe, and Japan. The modules include living quarters, research facilities, a laboratory module, and more. The ISS is currently composed of 15 pressurized modules.

The Chinese Space Station has three main modules: Tianhe (Core Cabin), Wentian (Heavenly Questions), and Mengtian (Dreaming of the Sky). The core cabin Tianhe, the center of the CSS, will provide astronauts with living quarters, a control center, and a life support system. The Wentian and Mengtian modules will be used for scientific experiments and testing a range of space technologies.

Crew and Missions

The ISS typically hosts a crew of six astronauts, with missions lasting for six months or more. Crewed missions to the ISS have been funded by the United States, European Space Agency, Japan, and Canada.

The CSS will host a crew of three astronauts, with missions lasting for six months or more as well. The National Space Administration of China will be responsible for crewed missions to the CSS.


Both the ISS and the CSS use advanced technologies to make long-term stays in space possible. The ISS has a comprehensive communication system, extensive solar panels, extensive life support and navigation systems. The CSS is equipped with several innovative technologies, such as a new space cargo ship and a new spacesuit used for extravehicular activities.


The ISS and CSS are both remarkable achievements in human spaceflight. The ISS has been operational for over two decades, whereas the CSS is preparing for its first crewed mission. While the ISS is larger in size, the CSS is more advanced in terms of technology. Both the ISS and the CSS present unique opportunities for scientific research and international cooperation.

We should remember that space technology has brought unparalleled scientific research opportunities, technological advancement, and international cooperation.


  1. NASA. International Space Station.
  2. Chinese Space Station.
  3. National Space Administration of China.

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